
Epsilon Alpha Recruitment

Hello Potential New Members! Welcome to the Epsilon Alpha chapter of Kappa Delta! We are an Greek Life organization based in sisterhood and service, emphasizing promotion of women's confidence and leadership skills. Through work with our two philanthropies, Girl Scouts and Prevent Child Abuse America, Kappa Delta aims to spread our message to the next generation. Kappa Delta’s motto is “Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest,” which is a saying that each of our sisters live by everyday to uplift each other and our community to the level of excellence Kappa Delta supports us to be.If you are interested in learning more about joining Greek Life at Missouri S&T, absolutely check out Primary Recruitment! Primary Recruitment is an opportunity for women at S&T to get to know all three of the different Panhellenic sorority houses on campus. This is a three day event begining with Philanthropy Day, where you'll learn about Kappa Delta's national philanthropies: the Girl Scouts of America and Prevent Child Abuse America. Next is Sisterhood day, where a member will give you a personal house tour and share insights into our sisterhood. On Preference Day, if invited back, you'll experience our preference ceremony and gain a deeper understanding of our values. Afterward, you'll submit your preference for one of the three houses. Bid Day will follow, where those who accept their bids run home to celebrate with their new sisters!Kappa Delta has given me so many opportunities to grow my leadership skills and I have met amazing women that I admire and shaped me into who I am today! Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions! -Catherine Duong


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